Derek Schmidt

Derek Schmidt

In 2011 Derek started DesignLoud, a digital marketing & web design agency in Wilmington, NC. Over the past 6 years Derek has positioned DesignLoud as an agency that specializes in WordPress custom development. Derek’s WordPress roots date back to before there was the easy install on WordPress and you had to do everything manually through your FTP and database. In his free time you will find him hosting the monthly WordPress Meetup and volunteering for organizing the WordCamp events here in Wilmington. Ever since attending his first WordCamp in Asheville in 2014, Derek knew he wanted to bring one to Wilmington and part of the requirements for doing so was to have a local meetup group established. This allowed him to network with other professionals and WordPress users who shared his love for WordPress. In addition to this, Derek has presented regionally at WordCamps across the easy coast. Now, Derek has been working on developing SWELLEnterprise, an all-in-one business suite that will integrate directly with WordPress, allowing business owners to have a 360 integration with their business from their website, to their marketing and now an affordable, all-in-one CRM.


WordCamp Wilmington, NC USA is over. Check out the next edition!