How to Grow your Business with Clients in Niche Professions!

If you’re like many freelancers, especially early in your career or in between gigs, your ears perk up at every opportunity to take on new work. Your clients are scattered across a number of verticals with more than a few friends and family projects that pay little or no money. In our talk, Jonathan Fashbaugh and Holly Cruz will talk about how Jonathan went from a one-man show that subsisted on his 401K to a thriving business that will do nearly $1M this year all by working exclusively dentists. You can grow your freelancing business into a highly profitable company by being an expert in serving niche industry professionals such as surgeons, lawyers, and dentists.

Topics to be covered will include:
– business growth and client acquisition (handling gatekeepers, the benefits of specialization, and how to leverage contracts (or not), and raising your prices).
– setting goals and expectations for new leads (dispelling marketing myths, and adding SEO to the mix)
– building a relationship with people who may- on paper at least- be much smarter than you (climb up on the pedestal with that MD!, communication tips, and adding a personal touch to the working relationship)
– client retention techniques (build a stream of recurring revenue, expanded all-inclusive services, staying small intentionally and avoiding rapid growth, proactivity that can bring in extra cash, and the power of “thank you”s)

We will laugh. We will get you excited and inspired. We will make plans to implement on Monday morning!




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