Jonathan Fashbaugh

Jonathan Fashbaugh

Jonathan Fashbaugh has a degree in digital media from Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida and has been working in the digital marketing space since 2000. He has spent the past 13 years working with doctors and lawyers on their internet marketing campaigns, doing everything from designing and coding their websites to optimizing them for search. In 2010, he left his full time job as a senior internet marketing consultant to start his own company, essentially freelancing, again targeting doctors and lawyers. His first client was a dentist, which lead to more dentists and in 2012, he rebranded his company to officially operate exclusively in the dental industry as Pro Impressions Marketing Group. Since then it has continued to grow and thrive. He loves to write and enjoys strategizing with his clients to help them meet their goals. He feels that his greatest strength is in communication: understanding the clients needs as well, if not better than their own sometimes and then helping to guide their campaigns with their best interests in mind. His experience in the different facets of marketing online enable him to help his clients make informed decisions. Jonathan has been married for 16 years to his wife Amanda, and has four boys ranging in age from 4 to 11. They live in Loveland, Colorado.


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