Holly Cruz

Holly Cruz

Holly Cruz is the Project Manager for Pro Impressions Marketing Group. Holly joined the company after leaving a decade long career in Emergency Services, working closely with Police, Fire and EMS. Holly spent years training new communication specialists as a full time instructor at the county’s new hire academy. She was able to fuel passion in her trainees, as well as create a fun and creative learning environment. Holly came into the internet marketing and website world with very little knowledge of what that entailed. She naively thought that websites just magically appeared on the internet through some magic wand in the “cloud”, always wondering which cloud in the blue sky it was exactly. Holly excelled and has increased her knowledge of all things “techy” but is still not an expert in this field. What Holly does bring to the table is outside, user-like perspective! Her attention to detail and organizational skills have made her a valuable member of the team. She also understands and thrives in the area of customer relations and service. Holly is also the mother of two amazing children (17 and 12) and is a Colorado native! She can’t wait to share her experiences and expertise with others and hopes to bring a perspective that seasoned professionals in the area of internet marketing and website design may have forgotten.


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